Hemalatha set the mark, erasing the record of Hyderabad-based Vettikotta Yadagiri, through her 123-hour performance staged in Thrissur in September last.
The certificate, received by Hemalatha, said " the longest marathon by an individual was 123 hours and 15 minutes achieved by Kalamandalam Hemalatha."
"More than a personal achievement, I consider this as a recognition of Mohiniyattam, the unique dance form of Kerala", Hemalatha said.
"When I embarked on the mission, there was criticism from certain quarters that this was a cheap stunt which marred the beauty and elegance of Mohiniyattam. But I was convinced that mine is a humble attempt to know the world about this performing tradtion unique to Kerala", she said.
Hemalalatha compelted the record-making performance in her second attempt after she had to call off her first bid after 64 hours of dancing as she fell ill on stage.
The artist, who now runs a dance school in Thrissur, said the Guinness honour came as an inspiration to launch programmes to instil interest in Kerala dance forms among youngsters. She said planned to embark on a one-month-old all-Kerala relay from January 26 to create health and physical fitness awareness among women and children.
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