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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Proposition 19 - Prop 19

Proposition 19 - Prop 19: Atlanta Ronald Reagan did not start the war against drugs, but as a central pillar of his presidency. It is therefore logical to party members who are inspired tea by Mr. Reagan to oppose the proposal 19 in California, which would legalize marijuana possession.But conventional wisdom, the election of government small current popularity may also meet in a strange place (and likely to smoke) on polling day.

Instead of objections of 19 pillars, and parts of the tea party - and welcomed the legalization of drugs as a mainstay in the ideological struggle between progressives (a greater role for government), and - some of the pillars as Tom Tancredo of Colorado and Paul Rand in the state of Kentucky with the ideals of states' rights (to make the government of the exhibition).
Take the test: How do you know about marijuana?
Whether or not conservatives and liberals Tea Party - the two main branches of the rebel movement a strong political will - we will put the pillar 19 at the top is an open question. But some commentators believe that the anecdotal support among many party animals tea legalize marijuana in California.
Ultimately, the vote can provide 19 support the main idea of whether the tea can violate the Republican Party for the walls of the culture of war - or whether the application of drug laws and the system will remain Conservative Party line.
"I thought it would be more pillar 19 as something of a liberal democracy, then suddenly I think, hey, I'm wrong," said Liu, of Lawrence, a deputy sheriff and the State of California and former Post writer activist and the area of ratification of the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). "I wrote that the tea party will oppose more likely, but then I got phone calls saying,". No, you're wrong in this "Tea Party People has a very strong position that the government has no right to participate in private business ... If you do not hurt yourself or someone else, and this pillar in the foundation 19 in a word. "
If the gate 19 and passes the Department of Justice challenges Obama's court, as he promised to do, can paint a campaign of tea and more evidence to form an inclusive government that has little respect for the rights of peoples to self-identify.
Video: Voices of a tea party
However, survey results do not necessarily indicate that things will turn out that way. Republicans oppose the measure 65 to 25 per cent and those over 60 are against it by 63 percent to 29 percent, according to survey the field, non-partisan.
Without Polson, a columnist and the broker in the province of Tehama, Calif., and is compatible with the assessment of the most traditional of legalizing marijuana, even quoting the tea party Group: "Tea Party, national and Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association says Prop. 19 does not [and] or may not be obvious as to why the pot further encouraged among young people, "he wrote in the Daily News Red hoax.
Moreover, there was general support for the initiative faced opposition from weak governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) and most of the editorial boards of the state. From a peak of 49 percent support, and opinion polls now put at 42 percent, according to the survey on the ground.
Yet the movement to legalize marijuana due, might become the cry of the party politicians like tea. Poll numbers killed when he was Mr. Tancredo, a candidate for governor in the state of Colorado, delivered a speech in favor of legalizing drugs, to the top.
Even some Republicans have softened their opposition to the legalization of marijuana pure and simple, with growing support from 7 percent since 2005, according to Gallup. Nearly 50 percent of independents - who strongly courted by both parties - the legalization of support, and also in line with Gallup.
Video: Voices of a tea party
"Tea Party movement adjacent to the Republican Party, which is usually taken for a very law firm and order, as, for example, any approach to the issue of drugs," he wrote in (Virginia) Richmond Times- Dispatch in an editorial. "But the movement of a tea party also has a strong liberal line, and his approach to live and let live the questions of personal morality and social and religious conservatives who believe the government manages the life private people. "
In the history of July entitled "Why Tea Party is the hidden force behind a pot legal" and Esquire magazine has made the growth of liberal as well as concerns about the war against drugs in Mexico that the causes of violent upheaval among many conservatives in the United States towards ratification. Mexican drug gangs make up 70 percent of its profits from the illicit sale of marijuana to the United States.
More simply, "People do not want the government telling them what they can use to relax after work," said Mike Meno to marijuana policy project estimates.
But Charles Postel, a political historian at the University of San Francisco, he said, could be a model for relations emerging Republican Party Tea see more clearly in the State of Texas. Here, the tea party of the Programme of Action inspired by the Republican Party to adopt the ideals of economic liberalism, but promises to increase marijuana misdemeanors to crimes.
"There is a strong tradition in this very conservative country, and part of it has been liberal on economics, [but] has always been a trait of repression is very strong on other issues," said M . Postel. "I do not think it's easy at any time to separate the two."

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